History of St. Paul’s, Buffalo Creek, Church

The following article was found in the newspaper, The Meadow Grove News, on Thursday, August 20, 1942 on page 3.

Speaking of God’s Word, King David writes in the 19th Ps., verses 9 and 10 as follows:
The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.  More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.”

To enjoy that Word in all its truth and purity for a full half a century is indeed a choice blessing from heaven.  St. Paul’s congregation of Tilden, Nebr., humbly and gratefully lays claim to that blessing.  Having arrived at our fiftieth milestone in this year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and forty-two, we look back with grateful hearts and in songs of praise and thanksgiving recall to mind the innumerable blessings and review the marvelous ways in which the Lord of the Church, God in heaven, in His mercy has guided and blessed us.  With Jacob of old we must confess: “I am not worthy of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which Thou hast shewed unto Thy servant!”

The early days of St. Paul’s, Tilden, or as it is commonly known, Buffalo Creek, were days of trail and sacrifices.  The number of Lutheran Christians living in this vicinity was small, but their longing for the pure Word and Sacraments was greater.  They yearningly looked forward to the day when they would have their own church where they cold feed the souls on the Bread of Life, where their little ones could be brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  And so, full of courage and with firm confidence in the Lord of the Church, they set to work to have what they so sorely needed, a church of their own.  It was in the year of 1892, in the beautiful month of June, a month of planting and sowing, when seven Lutheran Christians met with the sainted Pastor J. Hoffmann of Battle Creek, Nebr. For the express purpose of establishing a Christian congregation.  That day the organization of St. Paul’s, Tilden, was effected.  Pastor Hoffmann served the little flock for nearly a year.  From 1893 till 1896 Rev. H. Schulze of Tilden, Nebr., was pastor.  His successor, the Rev. F. Koester of Tilden, supplied them with the Word and Sacraments till 1908.  In 1908 the congregation decided to call a resident pastor.  Rev. T. J. Vogel was called and ordained the same year.  Pastor Vogel served the congregation during his vicarage year both in the school and in the church, from 1906-1907.  Though nothing can be found in records, his work must have been highly satisfactory, for when the congregation decided to call a resident pastor they called candidate Vogel.  Pastor T. J. Vogel served the congregation from 1908 till 1913 when he accepted a call to one of our congregations in the state of Kansas.  During his pastorate the congregation made great stride forward. In 1909 a parsonage was built and dedicated.  When the cornerstone of the new church was laid April 16, 1911, the number of voting members had increased to 32; August 13, 1911 the new church was dedicated to service of the Triune God.  This church still serves the congregation as their house of worship.  After the Rev. Vogel had removed to his charge in Kansas, the congregation extended a call to Rev. H. F. W. Schulz of Papillion, Nebr.  He accepted the call and was installed June 22, 1913 by Rev. Paul Bornhoeft of Tilden, and Rev. E. Eickhardt of Battle Creek, Nebr.  Rev. Schulz, like his successor, served the congregation faithfully in the dual capacity of pastor and teacher of the congregation’s Christian Day-School.  Rev. Schulz served the congregation from 1913 till Feb. 1929.  It was only during the later part of his pastorate that the congregation supplied him with students from the Day-School.  The following served: Edwin Rolck, 1 term, Theo. Beckmann, 2 terms, and Miss Marie Blume, 1 term.

In 1929 Rev. Schulz received and accepted a call to Gering, Nebr.  Rev. E. Neumann of Hinckley, Minn. was called and accepted.   He was installed in October of the same year.  Rev. Neumann served this congregation for two years, from 1929 till Dec. 1931, when he accepted a call to Mt. Olive Lutheran congregation of Norfolk, Nebr.  As his successor the congregation chose the present pastor, Rev. O. E. Schlecht or Orchard, Nebr.  He was installed by Rev. Neumann January 17, 1932.


During Rev. T. J. Vogel’s pastorate Buffalo Creek enjoyed the service of a good band.  This band served their home church and may surrounding congregations on special occasions like mission festivals and other such events.

Just when the congregation was forced, due to prevailing circumstances, to close their Christian Day-School the records do not show.  This, however, is certain, that only in the late twenties the school was discontinued.  At present a Sunday school, Saturday school and confirmation instruction provide for the spiritual need of the children.

On Nov. 10, 1929 the Ladies Aid was organized with 15 members.  The first officers were: President, Mrs. O. J. Wohlfeil, Vice President, Mrs. Fred Heibult, Sec., Mrs. Wm. Scheer, Treas., Mrs. Henry Stoltenberg.  Present membership of the Aid is 29.  In the thirteen years of its existence the society has on many occasions proved to be what its name implies, an aid to the congregation.  Present officers of the Aid are: President, Mrs. Fred Kleider, Vice President, Mrs. Harold Foss, Sec., Mrs. Chas. Volk, Treas., Mrs. O. J. Wohlfeil.

In 1929, the date of its organization is not known, a young peoples’ society was organized.  The first officers were President, Wallrich Weerts, Vice President, Arthur Lind, Secretary, Irma Scheer, Treasurer, Arnold Roewert.  It is still in existence to this date.  Present officers are: President, Marvin Schutt, Vice President Maynard Schulze, Secretary, Joyce Schulze, Treasurer, Alwin Schutt.

St. Paul’s congregation was a member of Synod since its early beginning.  The date and year when application for membership was made is not known.  The early records, from 1892 till 1908 were lost.  It is however, certain that the congregation joined Synod before they had a resident pastor, and that was in 1908.

As stated above, the congregation organized with seven members.  Of these only one is now living and still an honored member of our congregation, namely Mr. John Lulow Sr.