A Trip into Emerick

Accompanied by Col. Elley the writer made a trip into Emerick Tuesday where he attended the sale of August Borgmeyer. This was one of the largest sales held in this county in a number of years as the total sum aggregated nearly $7,000. The sale was in charge of Col. Tim Preece of Battle Creek and Col. Elley of this city. Charlie Smith of Tilden, a former Madison boy and Will Harvey of Newman Grove were the clerks.

The day was an ideal one which brought out what was claimed by the residents of that locality the largest crowd seen in a number of years under similar circumstances. Everything sold well and Mr. Borgmeyer was well pleased.  “Paddy” Miles was there and he told us confidentially that stranger things have happened than that he will move back to Madison. Smith Grant, who has untiring faith in the future of Emerick, says he don’t know why it is but every time he comes to Madison the town looks better to him. Caleb

Hickson was also there. He says he is not ready to move to Madison yet, as he is now raising a large herd of full blooded Poland China swine and that he will be in evidence at the coming Madison county fair and will be otherwise heard from in the Poland China business in the near future, but that it’s the best town in the state for its size just the same. Lawrence Wells, a former Madison man, who went up to Emerick and got rich says he doesn.t know any place that he would prefer to live than Madison should he wish to leave the farm. Frank Duchacek and Anton Ganser, two old timers in this neck-of-the-woods were in attendance and looked as prosperous as men who had railroads to sell. Fred Reugge was over from Tilden and while he did not do a great deal of bidding he ate more than any man at our table with the exception of Tim Preece.

We are pleased to meet our old friend, Wm. Hoffman, of Grove who had just returned from Pennsylvania where he went in hopes of bettering his health and to him probably we owe a vote of thanks for coming to our rescue when we were about to be strung up to a tree when we made the statement that within a few years the Emerickites would be riding on trolley cars to Madison doing their shopping, attending theater parties and eating midnight lunches. It was Mr. Hoffman who said that it was just as reasonable to think the trolley cars would be installed in this county at this time as it was for one to make that prediction for his old Pennsylvania home 20 years ago and which now is a fact, which statement caused Jim O’Brien to land on Al Jones, solar plexus and remark, “Are you sorry you sold your land”. At this juncture Mrs. Borgmeyer very kindly suggested that I come into the house and eat some supper which I did and I want to say that should any of the Star-Mail readers have a chance to eat at the Borgmeyer home they should avail themselves of the opportunity.                                                                                                                    Source: The Madison Star-Mail, February 15, 1907, page 4.